Jacksonville Peeps - Lunch sometime?
Hey there Jami!
Yep, it's across 17 from the old Walmart. My original post has a link that has a map too.
It seems like forever since I've seen you!
Yep, it's across 17 from the old Walmart. My original post has a link that has a map too.

~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs
Ok Andrea.......you twisted my arm, lol. The 4th, Wed. works, as does anyother day probably for that time. Just PLEASE no applebees! Story: remember a couple weeks back when I had the stomach flu? Well, when I took my son in for it also so he could get a Dr. Note for school, the Dr. asked where/if we ate anywhere different. We replied Applebees, and he shook his head and said he wouldn't eat there, and he's seen more food poisioning cases from there than anywhere else in Jax! That was not what was wrong with us, but still........their food was what was the last thing in my stomach, ugh. Anyway, see you guys there! I love the Olive garden salads, but would NEVER turn up my nose for the steakhouse!! Heaven forbid!!
Mare is comming? OMG! Suz, tie her down! I'm getting excited already!
Evidently ya'll am thinking I'm having a problem with my schedule this week......I'm not at all......I've must have missed something I think...better go back and re-read the posts...what idea is everyone agreeing to for me? I really am missing the problem here......
I'll be there at 11:30.
Cory- YES, you better come, and this time, be sure to say goodbye! I thought you had been offended, lol.
Amy, YESSSSSSS to avatar- minus my dog.

LOL@the dog! Maybe I'll join you for a Zumba class too!! My husband would like for me to at least GO to the gym we're paying so much every month for. LOL
See you Wednesday!
See you Wednesday!
~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs